The unit is structured into two activities. In the first, students access (through a link) an application in which, in a gamified way, it explores the different elements that make up a personal profile from a guidance perspective (personality, skills and competencies, occupational values and interests).
In the second activity, students are asked to carry out their own self-knowledge process, also incorporating an aspirational component (and you… What do you want to be when you are older?). For the realization of this activity two possible production formats (physical or digital) are contemplated. Through these productions, students will need to explain what they are like, what are their strengths are and what are their weaknesses, as well as expose what they would like to pursue in the future and why, putting this objective in relation to their personal profile.
This unit can be done in a single session or expand, the time dedicated by incorporating a presentation to the class group, by each student.