
Magic Balloons

Age group

8-10 years

Primary CMS area

Area 1. Personal Effectiveness

Other CMS areas

Understanding the world

Managing relationships

Unit Description

This unit seeks to work on self-awareness, the inner power, which is the base of future career. The need to highlight the link between personal and professional is the key aspect involved in the development of the learning unit activities. The first activity can be used as an initial activity but also as an icebreaker for the second activity, consisting in a reflexive play regarding personal skills and their contribution to identity and personal success but in simply terms. Within the third activity, based on the second, children will have to find new skills they want to gain/get and then, to reflect on strategies, possibilities for achieving them.

Activity 1. Circle Play

Learning outcomes

General objective:
– Get to develop self-awareness in children

Specific objective
– Reflect on their abilities, capacities and aptitudes through a funny motility game

– Share with others about of inner self

Activity name
Circle play


– A group of 6 volunteers will come in front of the class. The group will form a circle. A sheet of paper will be placed close to the feet of each child. Each sheet will show a number (from 1 to 6) and a message/a question. Music will be used and students will rotate in a circle, outside the paper sheets, on the rhythm of the music. When the teacher stops the music, each student will stop in front of a sheet. The teacher will use a dice, throw it in the middle of circle and will say the number that will appear. Thus, the student placed in front of the sheet with this number – will answer the question asked on the paper. The play can be repeated with other students involved.

Variant: it could be more circles in the same time, working together.

Learning materials

  • Sheets with messages: one number and a message each (Example: 1- What is your favorite hobby? Describe it!; 2- Tell us about your best achievement! 3- Three personal qualities; 4- Something I want to learn ; 5- Something that I can do better; 6- My future dream/career dream)
  • A dice
  • A CD player


  1. Introduction to the activity (10 minutes)
  2. Play/activity, until all students speak (30 minutes)
  3. Closing reflections (15-20 minutes)

Role of the Teachers

Facilitating and leading the activity, starting and stopping music, organising classroom, preparing 24 (6X4) sheets, asking students


Self-reflection, educational game, active learning.
Answering the Questions: What did you find about you, playing this game?

Activity 2. Magic Balloons

Learning outcomes

General objective

  • Get to reflect on personal strengths, skills and talents.

Specific objective

  • To recognize professions in experiential way.Explore personal skills
  • Reflect on the power of own /personal strengths

Activity name

Magic balloons



Introduction: The teacher will spread markers and worksheets for every student and will introduce the task- making a self-portrait. Each student will create a self-portrait. (10 minutes) and then the teacher will ask students to form small groups (4,5 students) and to discuss about their strengths (skills, talents, qualities, capacities).

Activity: in small groups, they will receive coloured balloons and every student will choose and note, on the balloon his most important personal skill/ ability. When all the balloons are written, students will put them together and tie them so that the balloons would rise up in the air caring the self-portraits.

The assessment: children will be asked to share the meaning of this exercise, their feelings working together. A creative conclusion can be “personal qualities can help you grow up”.

Learning materials

  • a feedback sheet
  • a worksheet –frame for self portrait
  • at least 30 balloons/a class, 5 balloons/group
  • at least 30 markers


1 hour: 

  • Introduction, materials distribution (10 minutes)
  • Creating self-portraits- making groups, presentation in groups, personal decision- writing the most important skill on the personal balloon (40 minutes) 
  • Closings- reflections about the power of the skills in life, feelings, thoughts about future, desires, goals (10 minutes)

Role of the teachers

Facilitate and oversee the activity, timing control and progress of groups.


Self-exploration, personal reflection, peer activity


A feedback sheet:

  1. Note a single word expressing your feelings at the end of this activity
  2. Draw a symbol of what you have learned about you today.

Activity 3. Paper Balloons

Learning outcomes

General objective:

  • Get to reflect on personal improving strategies

Specific objectives:

  • Identify personal issues that can be improved
  • Note some action strategies for personal development
  • Offer suggestions for improving behaviours of your classmates

Activity name

Paper balloons

Children will have to find new skills they want to develop and then will have to reflect on strategies and possibilities for achieving this.

The activity proposes a reflection session on a personal weakness, something to be changed, to be straightened or improved in themselves, ways of thinking or acting. Using a worksheet representing a drawn balloon, every student will have to write first his/her name and than to write inside the balloon what he/she wants to improve in himself/herself. Outside the balloon- the students will fill practical ways to do it (actions, persons who can offer support, suggestions). After that, every student will squeeze his worksheet, making a little paper balloon, and the teacher will collect all the paper balloons in a box. Randomly, the students will extract a paper balloon, which must be different from his/her own. Every student will write a suggestion for improving the weakness of the classmate whose ticket he extracted. The exchanges of paper ballons between students will be made and every student will receive a little advice written on the sheet by a partner student.

Learning materials


  • Introduction of the activity (10 minutes)
  •  Activity – writing weaknesses, finding a personal solution, extracting another paper balloon, writing new suggestions for improvement (35 minutes) 
  • Sharing received solutions, conclusion (15 minutes)
Role the teachers
Facilitating and leading the activity, gathering all paper balloons, highlighting the conclusion


Answering the Questions: What did you find about you, playing this game?