
Let’s choose a profession.

Age group

8-10 years

Primary CMS area

Personal Effectiveness

Other CMS areas

Finding work and accessing learning

Unit Description

To recognize professions in mental and experiential ways.

Activity 1. What would have happened without this profession?

Learning outcomes

General objective
to recognize professions in mental way.
Specific objective
To recognize professions in experiential way.

Activity Name

What would have happened without this profession?


Stage 1: Creating a list of professions

  1. A list of professions is formed with students. This list of occupations may be well-known by the students because of their environment. They can add any interesting profession to this list. The list is displayed in the classroom, and write a paper.
  2. Professions in this list are cut and put in a bag.
  3. The following instruction for playing a game, “What would have happened without this profession”, is given to the students:
    When we walk down a street we see some sign boards around. They are name of the professions. We can also see some professional members on the street. This bag contains some of the professions. Now each student will draw one of these papers. I will ask you to imagine as if you were doing the work of the professional member written on the paper. I will explain how we plan to do and will give you enough time to explore this profession, better. After researching the chosen profession, you will introduce the profession, praise your work and tell us its’ benefits in role-playing stage. You will share what would have happened if we would not have this profession in our lives.
  4. Students are given a preparatory period for researching their chosen profession. If possible, it is best to discuss with an employee who has professional life. It may be asked how s/he decided to do this job. In addition, it can be inquiry whether there are a relationship between his/her personal characteristics and profession, or not.

Stage 2: Role-playing

5. Each student plays the chosen profession. S/He shows benefits of the profession to society while playing her/his role. In particular, s/he shares what our lives would have experienced without this profession.

Learning materials

Appendix: Profession list
Bus driver, Pharmacist, Iceman, Greengrocer, Optician, Architect, Journalist, Bank cashier, Butcher, Police, Tailor, Doctor, Bookstore, Greengrocer, Shoemaker etc.

Deneysel Olarak Sınanmış Grupla Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Programları (Group Counseling and Guidance Programs as Experimental Tested). Mesleki Grup Rehberliği (Career Group Guidance by) Melda Evren. PegemA Yayıncılık, 2005.


80 minutes
Stage-1: 40 minutes,
Stage-2: 40 minutes

Role of the Teachers

Facilitate, and oversee the activities



1 Personal Effectiveness
– I know who I am and what I am good at.

3 Finding work and accessing learning
– I can find work or learning opportunities that are right for me.


Being a reflective thinker:
Students can give a written feedback regarding their feelings and thoughts in drama session. Also, they can evaluate how their personal characteristics match with chosen profession.
