
Advertising my perfect profession

Age group

10-12 years

Primary CMS area

Personal Effectiveness

Other CMS areas

Managing Relationships

Unit Description

In addition to a range of characteristics, it is great importance for individuals to explore which activities like when choosing a profession. Because the choice of profession includes professional satisfaction. When some individuals are childhood they are explore what they are interested in, and move on that path. And then there may be new discoveries of their interest. But, some individuals are not sure what they are interested in when they need to choose a profession. It is therefore important to support them in exploring their professional areas.

Activity 1. My perfect profession

Learning outcomes

General objective
To explore their professional interests. 

Specific objective
To recognize and promote professions linked with interests through different media.

Activity Name

My perfect profession


Stage 1: My Perfect Profession
  • A. This activity is designed to help imagine and create a perfect profession for students. The students are asked to fill out the attached form (See, App. My Perfect Profession) and then a sharing and discussion environment is provided where they will discover the profession that interests them most.
  • B. Some questions for the process connected with the form:
    • a. What are the characteristics of your future profession?
    • b. What kind of activities will your work make you happy?
    • c. What kind of workplace would you prefer to work in?
  • C. Homework: For the advertisement of My Perfect Profession to be held on next time (a week), each student is asked to come to class with a presentation and promotion of the chosen profession. The following professional advertisement form is given to the students about how they can prepare this presentation:Professional advertisement form: Our aim in the next lesson is to create an advertisement to be a perfect candidate to your perfect profession. So I would like to want you to gather real information about how business and professions are shown in the media. To examine examples for job advertisements on the internet or in the print media, but you must have at least the following information:
    • I. Name of employer
    • ii. Duties and responsibilities
    • iii. Where the position is
    • iv. Desired qualifications
    • v. Special skills / experience qualifications
    • vi. Salary
You can advertise your perfect business by sharing this presentation with your friends. Stage 2: Advertising My Perfect Profession
  • D. Instruction to the students: I would like to expect you to prepare a kind of advertisement regarding your perfect profession. You will show us wonderful aspects of your profession. You should use professional advertisement form prepared last week.
  • E. For this stage, students can choose any setting for sharing their advertisement. They can create a collage on the computer, or use a social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Linkedin, etc. If they wish can work in three dimensions: cardboard, etc.

Learning materials


  1. What was your favorite subject at school? 
  2. Which activities give you the most pleasure when you have free time? 
  3. When you have an event to do, would you prefer to do it with others or alone? 
  4. What are the 5 topics / activities that you are so skillful? 
  5. What kind of work do you always have an interest in? 
  6. Identify the institution and environment in which you can be most happy to work. 
  7. Based on the above information, which professions are you interested in at the moment and what do you know about them? 
  8. Choose one of these professions to advertise and prepare it at home according to the professional advertisement form provided to you in the course.
A Handbook for School Counselors: Tools for Self-Discovery. Fidan Korkut Owen, Dean W. Owen, Ozlem Karaırmak. Anı Publishing, 1st Edition, Ankara-Turkey, 2013.


80 minutes 

Stage-1: 40 minutes,
Stage-2: 40 minutes

Role of the Teachers

Facilitate, and oversee the activities


1 Personal Effectiveness
  • I can review my skills in relation to what employers are looking for
2 Managing relationships
  • I understand the need to use social media to network for my (future) career.


Being a reflective thinker:
 Let the students reflect their inferences from their experiences in this course with 120 words as a Twitter sentence.
