
Careers around me

Age group

8-10 years

Primary CMS area

Understanding the world – I understand how life, learning and work change over time

Other CMS areas

Managing life and career – I am innovative and creative in my thinking about work, learning and life Understanding the World – I can make a positive impact on society

Unit Description

The Unit allows pupils to capitalise on school-trip experiences or on other encounters with professionals as it offers tools to reflect on the career learning components of typical school activities.

Activity 1. Careers around me

Learning outcomes

General objectives:

  • To be able to reflect on professionals I meet
  • To explore careers around me

Activity Name



The activities planned in the unit work together to help children explore and learn about careers they might encounter during the school year. This might happen during a specific activity at school (e.g. inviting a parent or a professional at school) or during a school trip. The structure of the activity can be also used in the form of a group work to be done at home.

The Unit can be run throughout the school year with the possibility of creating a class or individual database of careers.

Stage 1.
Children are introduced to the world of careers with a simple and fun “Guess who game”. The teacher reads (or presents using a Powerpoint presentation) the features of the professional profiles to be guessed and invites children to guess. Children can work individually or in groups. It is recommended to have small groups. The team who correctly guesses more job profiles wins. The activity offers a first gamified approach to careers and explores features of work which aim at enriching understanding of careers. 

Stage 2.
Children are now invited to ask the teacher questions to guess the described career. This version of the “Guess who” game asks children to formulate questions which can be only answered with yes or no. This aims at familiarising children with the idea of interviewing professionals (Stage 3) and teaches them how to describe a career (e.g. which tools, where the professional works, what skills, educational journey, etc.). 

Stage 3.
This activity consists in preparing students to interview a professional. Students are divided in groups and are given a blank ID form of a professional. They are invited to decide the areas/fields to describe the professional profile. Children are taught that the forms they will create will be used to guide the interview of professionals who they will meet in the school year. Each group is given 15 minutes to think of the structure of the ID form. Once done, the teacher leads the creation of a communal ID form putting together the inputs of the students and highlighting fields which are eventually not mentioned by the students (see example ID form). 

Stage 4.
This activity consists in the interview of a professional. This can be done in different settings and situations (e.g. inviting a professional to school or a parent, during school trips, etc.). 

During the activity, students are provided with the final ID form they have created in the previous stage and are invited to fill it in during the interview. The teacher is invited to allocate specific responsibilities to different children in the classroom according to the sections suggested in the ID form. 

This is a suggestion of responsibilities within a classroom which will need to be aligned to the final ID form collectively created. 

  • 2 students can be the official interviewers and can chair the session. 
  • 1 student can be the tools expert (“which are the main tools?”)
  •  1 student can be the curiosity expert (“curiosity”, “are there curious/unexpected/particular aspects in your work?”)
  •  1 student can be the context expert (“where can she/he work? who are her/his colleagues?”) 
  • 1 student can be the “important ingredients” expert (“what skills does she/he need? What things should she/he like to be able to do this job?”). The pupil responsible for this section can be invited by the teacher to ask specific questions regarding intercultural skills. 
  • 1 student can be the future expert (“the future of this career” – in the section together with “curiosity”). 

The teacher invites the responsible students to ask questions to the professional and invites all the students to take notes to fill in the ID form. The 2 official interviewers are invited to coordinate the session together with the teacher. 

It is recommended to save 5 minutes at the end of the activity for thanking the professional and asking children to summarize what heard during the interview.

The ID created can be added to a personal career database.

Learning materials

A proposal of ID form. 

Supporting material for the “Guess who” game.


Stage 1: 15 min 

Stage 2: 15 min 

Stage 3: 60 min

Role of the Teachers

To facilitate the activities and offer reflective insights throughout the activities. It is recommended that the teacher liaises with the professional prior to the interview and shares the structure of the interview. In case of school trips, the teacher is invited to review the interviews together with the students.


The unit is built on the use of enquiry-based learning.


Students are given a specific time for evaluation and debriefing.

 Students are first asked to choose the way they prefer (write a poem, write some rap, draw, act, write a text, etc.) to tell how they found the activity interesting, which elements they found particularly interesting and what they think they learnt about careers. 

Students are then asked why students should do or not do this activity at school. 

Finally, a rubric is used to ask the students to assess the unit.